I was so excited when I learned that Essential Oils can be used in the garden to keep away those little bugs! I really like to keep my garden organic so this was perfect!
Gardening Mixtures:
16 oz spray bottle of water, 30 drops TERRASHIELD
16 oz spray bottle water, 1 tsp. natural soap, 25 drops oil, shake well.
TERRASHIELD has been my favorite and is simple to use, but if you don't have it on hand here are a few other suggestions.
THYME and LAVENDER are great for protecting all vegetables in the garden.
PEPPERMINT : Ants, aphids, bean beetle, cabbage root fly, caterpillars, black flee beetle, flies, lice, gnats, moths.
LEMONGRASS: Black flea beetle, fleas, mosquito's, and ticks.
THYME: Bean beetle, cabbage root fly, cutworm, ticks.
CLARY SAGE: Cabbage root fly,cutworm, nematodes, ticks, white fly.
ROSEMARY: Cabbage root fly and carrot fly
WHITE FIR: Slugs, snails, wooly aphids
SANDALWOOD: Weevils, wooly aphids
Another suggestion that I've heard but haven't tried is to place oil on cotton balls and place them around the garden.
Remember to spray around the plants and only under the leaves if there are any pest found on them. Use as little as possible. Two applications a day for a few days, might be necessary.
Of course being in the garden, going to the beach and the children playing outside a lot more, I began to grow concerned about the typical summer burns and what I could do to prevent that from happening and soon enough I got my answer. I have tried this with my kids over the last few weeks and it's worked great. On my 18th month old her skin turned a little pink, I applied the same mixture on her skin when we got home and by that night the pink was gone. Now that she has a little tan built up there has been no pink skin and it is comforting to know that I'm not applying anything toxic on my kids.
Here is the recipe I used:
Sunblock- Lavender or Helichrysum with Coconut Oil 1 drop to 1-2 tablespoons. Allow to soak into the skin 10-15 mins. before you go into the sun.
Bugs are so attracted to my poor little 4 years old. Every since he was a baby we'd take the kids up to the mountains and with our fail, he is the one who would come home with all the bites. That is why I am such a fan of TERRASHIELD! I've put it in a 4oz bottle with some water and sprayed it on his body every time we head out for a hike and it has worked wonders! We've also learned to spray it around the window seals of our home and even around the tent doors and windows when we're camping, it's been amazing! It's obviously all natural and none of us are receiving any toxins in our body from using bug spray. The most amazing thing is TERRASHIELD IS 10x's STRONGER THAN DEET!! SO KEEP THOSE MOSQUITO'S AWAY!!
If you or some one in your family has received a few bites, here are some suggestions that have helped us in the past that I highly recommend.
PURIFY: To help stop the itching, swelling, stinging, and to clean the bite if person has scratched the open and it needs to be cleaned.
LAVENDER: To stop the itch and reduce the size of the bite.
OREGANO or BASIL: To pull the poison out.
A few other oils to try are Peppermint, On Guard, Clove and Melaleuca.
Remember that each person and each body is different so if you didn't like the result you got with the lavender then try the purify and it will be well worth your time!
For more information email learndoterra@gmail.com or to order products CLICK HERE!