Thursday, May 5, 2011

DoTERRA's Essential Skin Care

Go from blah to beautiful in minutes with dōTERRA’s skin care system. It only take a few minutes in your daily routine to give yourself more youthful looking skin AND uplift your mood.

Youthful Looking SkinAs we age, our skin loses some of its youthful looking qualities. We start to see fine lines, discolouration, and loose, sagging skin. Ugh. So how do we rescue our skin from signs of aging? We begin by using the RIGHT ingredients. For thousands of years men and women have understood that nature’s pure botanicals are the right ingredients. Each of the products included in the dōTERRA skin care collection contain CPTG essential oils, which are all-natural and beneficial to the skin. If you’ve never used essential oils on your skin before, you’re in for a real treat. The essential oils cleanse, tone, invigorate, and moisturize your skin so that it feels soft, beautiful, and youthful.
Uplift Your Mood
Feel better about the day ahead by breathing in the delightful aromas included in the skin care system. Melaleuca, Peppermint, Lavender, Frankincense, Sandalwood, Ylang Ylang, and German Chamomile are some of the essential oils included in these products. Enjoy the feeling of pampering yourself while you cleanse, nourish, and invigorate your skin.

Clear Skin
Clear Skin Roll On by doTERRA
dōTERRA Clear Skin Topical Blend is a complex formula of exotic essential oil extracts sourced from around the world–from Africa to North America to Australia–that have been traditionally used and clinically validated for anti-microbial activity. 17 different oils have been synergistically combined in a potent topical solution unfriendly to bacteria and microbes that can cause unsightly and persistent reactions in the skin. A must-have blend for families, dōTERRA Clear Skin can be applied topically to facial blemishes, itchy scalp, unsightly nail beds and feet, fungus, psorisis and other affected areas of the skin. (If you have ever used Melaleuca for healthy skin, you will love this new blend!)

Immortelle – For the Skin!

dōTERRA Immortelle is an Anti-Aging blend designed to help protect and nourish skin by supporting skin health. Especially important is the reduction of inflammation which contributes to the aging process of our body and skin. dōTERRA’s CPTG essential oils have been selected and blended into this proprietary formula which provides remarkable benefits to help maintain skin’s well-being and beauty.
Growing older doesn’t mean growing less attractive. There are many ways to care for your health and skin, remaining vital and beautiful for a lifetime. Immortelle is a propriotery blend of Frankincense, Sandalwood, Lavender, Myrrh, Helichrysum, and Rose essential oils. On their own, these essential oils are absolutely amazing for the skin, but blended together just right, Immortelle takes skin repair to a whole new level.

Personal Experience with doTERRA Immortelle by Julie, Utah

My daughter runs hurdles for her HS track team. She was at a practice over spring break and her coach was pushing her to 3 step the hurdles. She hit hurdle number 5 with her trailing foot which sent her flying. She was going so fast that she did not have time to catch herself and her face hit the ground first, pretty much on her right eye. She got up with some help from the coaches and came home with marked swelling and a significant abrasion.

I had just received the Immortelle blend the previous week and knew there was valuable oils contained in it. Frankincense, sandalwood, lavender, myrrh, helichrysum and rose.
Armed with this arsenal of oils, perfect for wound care and skin rejuvenation, I went to work and immediately applied the Immortelle blend to her face (along with ice.) She was not happy because the eye and wound were so sensitive.
I gave her the “tough love” lecture and was consistently making sure the blend was applied a minimum of twice a day carefully above and below the eye and on the abrasion.
From the first day of her track accident till it was fully healed was 11 days! The first photo is from the day it happened. The second 3 days from the accident.The third image is after day 7 and the 4th image is day 11.
Her scab was starting to fall off after the 5th day with brand new healthy skin underneath and the black eye and swelling was dramatically diminished.
Immortelle increased the healing process and gave my daughter’s body the tools it needed to lay down new skin cells without creating a scar on her face.Immortelle is a wonderful addition to myskin care regimen but it is also part of my family’s first aid and wound care protocol.
Thank you for creating this blend. Immortelle saved my teenage daughters face!
Julie M, Utah
For Wholesale ordering visit or email


  1. Thanks for share this experiences. It is very useful for us.

    Visit also doTerra Melaleuca Essential Oil

  2. I really believe in the power of essential oils, however I don't think an overly Photoshopped "before and after" picture will help people believe in the REAL effectiveness of these products. Seriously. Real before and after photos don't have the subject in the exact same pose, at the exact same angle, and with every single hair on their head in the same position (only now her gray hair is miraculously blonde!) Don't get me wrong, I believe rhese products do work, I just don't think you should be promising things that aren't true.

  3. I agree, I was brought here, reading about Immortelle. That picture is ridiculous. Besides everything Beth pointed out.. her neck and arms look younger too.. Its a turn off.

  4. It's hysterical. I was just thinking all of the same things and now wonder if I should even consider buying the product.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. You SHOULD buy the product! It's an amazing combination of healing oils. I have no affiliation with this site, but I've used Immortelle personally. I'm 50 years old and live in sunny Mexico. I have always taken care of my skin, and been fortunate of my momma's DNA, but 30 years in social work & education in Seattle, my face showed signs of aging. I hesitated because of the price, and I read other skin products doTERRA has with some of these same oils, but the Immortelle, that's straight oils going into your skin, muscles, cellular systems. One month and I saw a difference. (Wish I could post a pic) Anyway, I read this post for black eyes, for a friend's son who was playing football. I wouldn't want to share my expensive oil on booboo's, but it makes sense because the heliocrysum in this is powerful with managing circulatory systems (anything blood!) The bottom line is, the oils are used for many things healing. The more you learn about their benefits, the more ways you can share with others. So, that's what I'm doing, just sharing my personal experience.

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